Saturday July 23, 2011
View our GPS track on Google
Maps (Ignore portions of the GPS track to the east of the Monterey
Here is Don Roberson's eBird
report for the day:
Observation date: 7/23/11 |
Notes: Aboard 'Pt Sur Clipper' with skipper John Mayer with
Roger Wolfe, Martijn Verdoes, Tim Amaral, Blake Matheson; Don
Glasco, Gary Deghi, et al. Overcast and cold all day with some
wind, but wind from SW so sea fairly calm with light chop, Beaufort
2. We went out a mile past Pt. Pinos to a pair of Blue Whale,
then south about 2 nmi offshore to Carmel Bay, then west to 6
nmi off Cypress Pt., then N to 5 nmi NW of Pt. Pinos and return.
This checklist offshore species only -- all 1-2 nmi offshore or
more. Besides the Blue Whales were ~20 Humpback, a few Pac White-sided
Dolphin (and Harbor Porpoise & Minke Whale that I missed)
19 species (+2 other taxa)
Location: Monterey County |
Number of species:
Black-footed Albatross |
6 |
Northern Fulmar |
8 |
all gray morphs |
Pink-footed Shearwater |
5 |
Sooty Shearwater |
1000 |
Ashy Storm-Petrel |
1 |
~4 nmi N of Pt. Pinos |
Brandt's Cormorant |
20 |
many more inshore; ~200 nesting on Coast Guard pier |
Brown Pelican |
70 |
Red-necked Phalarope |
150 |
Red Phalarope |
2 |
Sabine's Gull |
60 |
all adults (some photo'd) mostly 3-6 nmi offshore, sometimes
in flocks of ~10 or so; a few sitting on water with SOSH flocks
also |
Heermann's Gull |
15 |
Western Gull |
100 |
California Gull |
10 |
Elegant Tern |
10 |
excluded inshore ones |
Parasitic Jaeger |
4 |
1 juv + one 1st/2nd cycle |
Long-tailed Jaeger |
1 |
earliest Monterey record by one week |
Parasitic/Long-tailed Jaeger |
1 |
jaeger sp. |
2 |
very likely Parasitics |
Common Murre |
80 |
Cassin's Auklet |
50 |
Rhinoceros Auklet |
15 |
This report was generated automatically by eBird v2(
Roger Wolfe for Monterey