Saturday September 5, 2009
This charter for the Santa Cruz Bird Club was special in a couple
of ways. Firstly it was a real pleasure to have so many friends from
the bird club on board. In that many of us are familiar with one another
from prior land based field trips, club meetings and carpools there
was a neat feeling of being among friends, a sense of camaraderie.
The other special thing was the price. With the charter, members laid
out all of $66 per person!
The darned northwest winds have been persistent the last couple of
weeks but they abated and made for greasy calm conditions that were
conducive to finding the storm-petrel flocks. We made a beeline for
the county line and crossed over into Santa Cruz County around 9am
in the vicinity of Soquel Canyon. We headed for the Hump where we
began seeing both BLACK and ASHY STORM-PETRELS. In the
vicinity of Cabrillo Canyon we found the area where the Ashies were
rafting up and everyone got to see the flocks. Spotter Rod Norden
recounted how the number of storm-petrels we were seeing was a mere
fraction of what he recalled from the eighties.

We also had some gripping views of a COMMON TERN that circled
the boat for several minutes.
Interestingly the deluge of Long-tailed Jaegers we'd been seeing the
last few weeks was shut off. We did not see a single LTJA on the day.
And for the second trip in a row we had a difficult time finding any
BULLER'S SHEARWATERS except for a single unhealthy looking
bird that sat on the water and scarcely moved. Strange.
mammal highlight was the pair of BLUE WHALES we crossed paths with
off of Pt. Pinos on the way back to the dock. We also had some awesome
looks at NORTHERN RIGHT WHALE DOLPHINS riding our bow and they had
some awesome looks at us as well.
As we passed Pt. Pinos the top of the kelp canopy was covered with
at least a thousand ELEGANT TERNS.
In all we covered 63.7 miles of water.
Thanks to SCBC field trip leaders Steve Gerow, Bob Ramer, Rod Norden
and Phil Brown for spotting and to Alex Rinkert for chumming.
Photos in the trip report are by SCBC member Wendy Naruo on her second
pelagic trip.
Species seen:
Monterey / Santa Cruz Counties |
Black-footed Albatross |
12/42 |
Northern Fulmar |
7/10 |
Pink-footed Shearwater |
20/15 |
Buller’s Shearwater |
1/0 |
Sooty Shearwater |
275/250 |
Ashy Storm-Petrel |
5/2500 |
Black Storm-Petrel |
0/15 |
Brown Pelican |
20/8 |
Brandt’s Cormorant |
200/0 |
Pelagic Cormorant |
4/0 |
Red Phalarope |
1/4 |
Red-necked Phalarope |
60/36 |
Sabine's Gull |
25/12 |
Heermann's Gull |
75/60 |
Western Gull |
50/20 |
California Gull |
40/25 |
Common Tern |
0/1 |
Elegant Tern |
1000/0 |
Pomarine Jaeger |
10/ 9 |
Parasitic Jaeger |
5/2 |
jaeger sp. |
2/2 |
Common Murre |
40/90 |
Pigeon Guillemot |
3/0 |
Cassin's Auklet |
12/10 |
Rhinoceros Auklet |
30/20 |
Black Turnstone |
4/0 |
Kingfisher |
1/0 |
Marine Mammals
Sea Otter |
California Sea Lion |
Northern Fur Seal |
Harbor Seal |
Humpback Whale |
Blue Whale |
Harbor Porpoise |
Pacific White-sided Dolphin |
Northern Right Whale Dolphin |
See the Google
Earth image showing locations of points along the track in
red and county boundaries in white (opens in new window). |
Roger Wolfe for Monterey